Same Impunity, Same Pattern: Sexual Abuses by the Burma Army Will Not Stop until There is a Genuine Civilian Government

The Women’s League of Burma (WLB), consisting of thirteen women’s organizations representing different ethnic areas in Burma, released the report, “Same Impunity, Same Pattern: Sexual abuses by the Burma army will not stop until there is a genuine civilian government.” The report, covering ongoing crimes of sexual violence perpetrated by the Burmese military in ethnic regions of Burma, specifically calls for an end to the prevailing system of impunity that not only enables military perpetrators to evade prosecution, but also fosters a culture of continued and escalating violence.

The report states that despite Burma’s transition to a civilian government, including adoption of a new Constitution in 2010 and elections in 2011, military offensives continue to be waged in ethnic conflict areas. Undeterred by security concerns and access limitations, WLB has reported for over a decade on the Burmese military’s human rights abuses in these conflict areas, including systematic sexual violence.

The report outlines a series of actions that are necessary to stop sexual violence crimes, hold perpetrators accountable, respect international law and live up to the recent promise of democratic reform. As noted by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the most important step is changing the Constitution, which provides amnesty for and prevents civilian judicial review of all military action.

Owner/Developer : WLB

Language : English